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Autumn Equinox Breathe, Release and Let Go

Firestar. Walking the land
The Autumn Equinox is celebrated around the 21st/22nd September it is one of the quarter points on the old pagan calendar, a time of balance. It is known as a harvest festival as the last of the harvest is collected in ready for the winter. Celebrations took place when the last crop had been gathered and after the celebrations it was a time of rest. The start of this time is active as the energy is still moving fast and there is the urgency to collect the harvest, finish projects enjoy the last of the sun and making preparations for the winter months. There is a chill in the air and the nights are drawing in signalling that winter is coming. Although very tempting to snuggle up with blankets in front of the fire drinking cacao its not all about cosy slippers and snuggling. I always find this energy challenging  as I get caught up in the energy of the quickening and urgency then I hit the slowness. This has happened for many years and as a keen gardener there always is much to do in the garden, to harvest and store, to clean and pack away, to trim back and to make tinctures, syrups and everything else needed for the long winter months. It is a time for reaping what you have sown, for finishing projects and giving thanks for the bounty of the earth. 
At the Equinox there is a balance with equal days and nights although we are now stepping into the doorway of winter so it brings a change and transformation. 
The equinox is also about release and as we watch the trees release their leaves they understand that they are no longer needed. By letting go now there is the space for new growth and the energy can be carried deep within over the winter months. Like trees we can do the same letting go of old patterns, things not achieved, clutter, old emotions etc. It is a good time to have treatments where cords are cut to old relationships, and for energies to be cleared and aligned ready for winter.
The goddess at this time of year is the earth Mother as sovereign queen. She is the Queen of the realm and the land but more importantly she is an embodiment of the earth and power. This is sacred power where she chooses her king and most importantly makes him King through their sexual union. We often have a distorted idea of power today and can hold power over others or give power away, neither being healthy. When working with Queen energy it is often the time around menopause when women are ready to initiate into their Queen energy and take complete responsibility for their lives and all of their choices. In my experience often there are parts of them that need to be cleared, healed and integrated so that the Queen years can be powerful and they can truly be Queen of their realm.
My Goddess course begins at the start of the pagan year in October contact me for more details.

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