Goddess Wheel of the Year workshop

Walking with the Goddess through the pagan year


Ready to find out more about the Goddess path?

Thank you for expressing an interest in my Goddess course as we journey through the pagan year. The pagan wheel represents the annual cycle of seasons and festivals  starting at Samhain on 31st October. This wheel is deeply rooted in the rhythms of nature and when we connect to them it also helps us navigate our own rhythms. Each of the sabbats is celebrated and as we follow the changing seasons it links us to the cycle of life, death and rebirth offering us a way to be in more harmony with the natural world.

Using this as a framework we can focus on our own personal growth as we nativate our journey and identify what blocks us from achieving our goals or challenges us along the way.

It's been over 10 years since I met the Goddess and up until that point she represented the soft maternal qualities that I was not comfortable with. She also represented the sisterhood and working with women which I found a challenge and motherhood which had alluded me. I saw her represented in many cultures around the world and also as our own Grandmother Moon and Earth mother.

When I connected to the energy of the Goddess at various points around the wheel I felt held and supported by the female in a way that I had never experienced. Some sabbats were challenging as I faced the Goddess and reflected my own shadows but others times were beautiful and the path flowed.

I have been teaching this course in various forms for the past 8 years and each year more is added as it develops. Are you ready to answer the whispers of the Goddess and be shown the pathway to empowerment? To support you making choices in your life, having a voice and being heard, holding firm boundaries and having the tools and resources to shape your life.

 We will meet near the festivals (See dates below) over the 12 months and look at our shadows and the places where we do not speak out, where we hold ourselves back, do not feel worthy or good enough or where we just need to heal the inner parts of us. This is deep work and requires a commitment to the year but also to dive into these shadow parts of ourselves. During the year we walk a labyrinth, sit in a stone circle, connect with sacred water and the land as well as crafting. There will also be ceremony. Each month will include some “homejoy” to deepen the process and there will be a private facebook group. This is a fabulous opportunity to work with me on a regular basis and focus on what you would like to achieve over the pagan year working with the energy of the wheel as it turns.

  • Ceremony, Ritual and altars of the pagan Goddess wheel

    Walking with the Goddess

    Ritual and Ceremony

  • Spring flowers at Imbolc

    Connecting with nature

    Working with the animals, elements and plants of nature

  • washing the feet in ceremony

    Honouring the sacred feminine

    Self love and self care

  • Working on a shamans tent on the land

    Working on the land

    Working on the land connecting to nature

  • Shamans Drum

    Lets make some noise

    Reminding us we have a voice

  • Avebury stones. Dancing. Connecting to the ancestors and Goddess

    Being valued, being seen

    Dancing in the shadow of the ancestors and finding our light

  • Fire rituals. Working with the Goddess of Fire for empowerment

    Fire Ritual

    Learning new rituals and practices

  • Firestar at Firestar Therapies

    Being held and supported

    Ongoing suport during your journey


What else is included on this journey?

  • Ceremony and Ritual
  • Meditation and visualisation
  • Deep healing
  • Inner child work
  • Working with your inner visions to achieve your goals during the year
  • Historic information on the festivals
  • Connecting to the Goddess of earth, air, fire and water. Also the Goddes of Mother, Maiden. Lover and Crone.
  • Crafting
  • Creating altars
  • Self care and honouring the divine feminine in each of us
  • Working with plant and animal symbolism and allies
  • Journalling
  • Sharing
  • Working with Intuition
  • Shadow hunting
  • A private support group on facebook
  • Fun and laughter

The Dates we meet and festival information

Samhain, Cauldron, cerridwen, Witch, ceremony, ritual, wheel of year

Samhain  - Saturday 26th October 2024

November 1st is the actual date of Samhain but like other Celtic derived festivals it is celebrated on its eve.  At Samhain the grain mother becomes the crone, the wise woman. She returns to the underworld, the womb. It is here we start out journey and connect with the crone energy. We look at our lives deeply and notice what works, what do we need to adjust slightly and if we need to make any bigger changes. This is the foundation work that we refer to as we journey through the year. The start can be uncomfortable as we feel our resistance to change and to the crones invitation to go within her cauldron of transformation...are you ready!

Winter Solstice, Yule, ceremony, Ritual, Sabbats, Wheel of year, Goddess Danu

Yule: Winter Solstice  Saturday 14th Dec 2024

Yule is deeply rooted in the cycle of the year, it is the seed time of year, the longest night and the shortest day, where the Goddess once again becomes the Great Mother and becomes her virgin self again and gives birth to the new Sun King. In a poetic sense it is on this the longest night of the winter, 'the dark night of our souls', that there springs the new spark of hope. In society this is often a very active time although energetically it is the time of sleep, renewal, cleansing and visions. This session involves crafting and learning how to smudge ourselves and our home as well as meditation. We connect to the Goddess as we work with the element of air, sound and silence.

Brigid, Imbolc, Goddess, Rital, Ceremony, Bridie doll

Imbloc  - Saturday 25th January 2025

This holiday is  known as  Brigid's (pronounced BREED) Day. One of the 4 Celtic "Fire Festivals. Commemorates the changing of the Goddess from the Crone to the Maiden Her attributes are divination, inspiration and keeper of the spark of life .It is traditional upon Imbolc, at sunset or just after ritual, to light every lamp in the house - if only for a few moments. It is a time to celebrate our maiden selves and to see where we have lost the playful aspect of life. Where are we influenced by others or when we conform or stamp our feet and rebel. We connect to our inner child for deep healing work and also create our own Bridie doll.

Artha, Fire Goddess, Ostara, srping equinox, ritual

Ostara Spring Equinox  Saturday 15th March 2025

This marks the Spring Equinox. It is traditionally the day of equilibrium, neither harsh winter or the summer and as the energy is turning it is time for us to reach out to manifest what we choose in the worlds. Our seeds of ideas and visions for the future have incubated over the winter months so now is a time to bring them into the outer world. We connect to that fire in our belly that is our passion and drive and the element of fire with the Fire Goddess.

Beltane, handfasting, goddess Rhiannon, white Horse

Beltane: - Saturday 26th April 2025

This festival is also known as Beltane, the Celtic May Day and rituals were held to promote fertility and Handfastings (Pagan marriages) are traditional at this time. It is a time of fertility and harvest, the time for reaping the wealth from the seeds that we have sown. Beltane is the season of maturing life and deep found love honouring the Goddess Rhiannon. We look at our relationship of love both to ourselves and our relationships to others. 

Summer Solstice, Lithia, lady of lake, water goddess

Litha: Summer Solstice - Saturday 14th June 2025

Midsummer or the Summer Solstice is the most powerful day of the year for the Sun God. Because this Sabbat glorifies the Sun God and the Sun, fire plays a very prominent role in this festival. In the British Isles it is also a time where we visit the Sea or waters of the rivers to bathe and swim so at this point we celebrate and honour the water element. We meet the water Goddess in the sacred waters and dive deep into our emotions to find the places we have locked away, so we can heal and find the pearls of wisdom.

Lughnasadh, Mother Goddess, Gaia, Ker, Grain Goddess

Lughnasadh: Saturday 26th July 2025

This is an Irish Gaelic name for the feast which commemorates the funeral games of Lugh, Celtic god of light, and son of the Sun. We think summer will last forever but this festival is a change to the ending of summer we need to gather in what we have learned, achieved the fruits of our labours. It is a time of gratitude and thanks as well as looking at our relationships as Mothers and with our own female line. Ker the Great Grain Mother is our guide as we work with forgiveness and mother wounds.

Autumn equinox, autumn, harvest, Great Queen

Autumn Equinox - Saturday 20th September 2025

This marks the middle of harvest, it is a time of equal day and equal night, and for the moment nature is in balance. It is a time to reap what you have sown, of giving thanks for the harvest and finishing up old projects and plans and planting the seeds for new enterprises or a change in lifestyle. Goddess Banbha invites us to review our journey through the year to review how we have developed and what we will let go of and change as the year starts again at Samhain.

Lady of Labyrinth, Labyrinth, Goddess, Rhiannon

Our last session will be to celebrate the Lady of the Labyrinth she who holds the centre, and she who leads us into the mysteries.

This last session includes an optional initiation ceremony.

Full details will be provided as you progress through the course.

Yes I am ready to sign up

This course begins in October 2024 and will run over 9 sessions. You will need to attend and commit to all sessions as this work follows on during the year. If there are any dates you are unable to make please speak to me.

The cost of the year long course is £900.00 and includes all materials you will use on the course. Payment to be made either in full or in 2 instalments with the first payment being due by 20th October 2024.

Total cost £900.00 if paid in full.

The cost of the course if paid in two installments is £930.00 with first payment of £465.00 due on 20th October 2025 and 2nd payment of £465.00 due by 2nd April 2025.

Deposit with monthly payments by standing orders available by arrangement.

Each session will be held where possible in person depending on any restrictions in place at the time. This may mean some sessions will be split and held in smaller groups and in the summer months sessions will be held out on the land in a bell tent.

Days and dates as above and will be confirmed in an email. Sessions will be from 9.30am- 5.30pm with a short break for lunch. 

There will be a private Facebook group where I will personally respond to queries and messages and will be a safe space to share and support one another. There will also be "Homejoy" during the course which is optional but will support and deepen your experience.

If there is a further lock down during the course then sessions will be held online via video and if necessary any items you require will be posted out to you.

If there is enough interest I will also hold a group online as well as the in person group

Yes I am ready to sign up
  • Silver Birch trees. Review of Goddess Course. Five stars

    Slide title

    Thank you Pauline Elsworth for a fabulous year walking the wheel of the year, Glastonbury was the icing on the cake xx

    Anyone thinking of doing this course should stop thinking and just do it!

    CT Somerset

    Yes i am ready to sign up
  • Review. Firestar Therapies, Goddess Course review

    Slide title

    Pauline is about the most authentic person you could meet.  She puts her heart and soul into her practice with genuine care for her clients.  She is unnerving accurately and insightful, whilst holding the space with non judgement only compassion and a true gift of healing. I highly recommend her services; be it in a group workshop, or individual sessions.

    Cat Paterson

    Yes I am ready to sign up
  • Avebury, Silbury Hill, Goddess work

    Pauline provides a safe environment whilst encouraging you to push boundaries. She works with utter integrity and whilst extremely knowledgeable, doesn't take herself too seriously. The depth and breadth of Pauline's knowledge is amazing, as is her willingness to share it with others and she is a genuinely kind and caring person who has helped me work through some difficult and challenging times. I really admire Pauline's ability to put people at ease, particularly when talking about healing, she doesn't waffle 'new-age' stuff at people but listens, asks questions and offers a quiet alternative perspective. If you are looking for healing or help, contact Pauline, you won't regret it xx

     Mrs T, Somerset

  • Goddess Course, Womens Group, Red Tent Circle, Review

    Slide title

    I had the pleasure of being part of a women's circle last weekend with Pauline in Bournemouth. It was such an empowering and enlightening experience. Pauline provided so much support and guidance and is clearly very skilled and knowledgable, she was able to hold the space for us all and is very passionate about her work. Thank you Pauline!

    M Russell Dorset

  • Transformation butterfly

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    Pauline presented a session at a day retreat I attended recently entitled The Power Within You. I have never been to anything like this before and where I felt quite at home doing yoga in the first session I felt a bit anxious about what I was going to be asked to do in Pauline's session. I needn't have worried - Pauline made me feel at ease right from the start and I found myself totally engaged throughout . I felt moved in a way I can't really put into words and more than once I felt quite emotional for apparently no reason. By the end of the session I certainly felt empowered by the 'tools' Pauline gave me.

    Ruth Dorset

  • Womans ceremony Red tent Womans circle

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    Pauline brings her innate, deep wisdom to everything she offers.

    I have experienced many of her blissful Reiki and releasing Shamanic treatments, together with helpful tarot readings.  I also did The Goddess Wheel of the Year Course which was an empowering experience.

    I have often sought her wisdom in times of difficulty or indecision and her help has been invaluable.

    Pauline is a profound and insightful Healer and I can highly recommend visiting her.

    Sue Hart Dorset

  • Goddess retreat review. Stonehenge Crystal healing

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    What a wonderful experience Pauline gave us at The Power Within workshop on 22nd October.  Educational , informative and inspiring and truly beautiful.  Thank you xx

    D G Somerset

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