Personal Development Workshops

Workshops for Personal Development

Spiritual Development
I offer workshops and spiritual development throughout the year on a group or one to one basis contact me to discuss your requirements.
I charge £50 for 1 hours training or £90.00 for 2 hours

Exploring your Chakras Chakra 8 Session Course 

This popular course is a personal development course as we work with our energies and the places where we hold onto fear, guilt, shame, anger etc. Each week we work with a different chakra using a different tool to access these places.

I will also set up a Facebook group to run alongside this to support you between sessions.

This can also be offered in person or online at different dates and times.

Here at what other clients have said about this course:

Thank you so much for the course, it’s been a really profound experience.
It feels amazing to really connect with the chakras & to know how powerful they are!

The weekly chakra course was so much more than I expected and I have thoroughly enjoyed every week. I am more in tune with my body and my emotions and have processed a lot of emotions including guilt, sadness, trauma and memories. I have realised more about myself and how I feel and I am excited about moving forward, feeling more balanced.

Pauline’s Chakra course is a wonderful introduction to all aspects of alternative healing.  Whilst concentrating on chakras and energy flow, Pauline introduces working with crystals, colour, meditation, auras, sprays and essences.  It is a great course for self-healing, meeting new people and as a springboard into other courses.  This is an excellent start to getting back on the right path for you.

The weekly chakra course has taken me on an emotional roller coaster and helped me to understand myself and deal with others around me. I feel more grounded and strong and I am able to speak more freely and not hold back. I am more open spiritually and look forward to my next steps on this journey.

Chakras are major energy centres within your subtle body where energies meet to form spinning circular patterns or a vortex. There are 7 main chakras, many minor ones and as we evolve further and the energy changes chakras are being found or rediscovered. 

The ancient seers realised that working with them could help the energy flow throughout the body and enhance the wellbeing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

  •  We will look at these subtle bodies, and how day to day life can affect our chakras and our aura.
  •  We will look at protection and grounding techniques.
  • We will discuss the key points of each chakra.
  • We will connect with each of the chakras using a variety of techniques which may include essential oils, sound, colour, essences and meditation. 
  • We will connect to the angelic realms.
  • We will use our intuition and connection to read cards and signs in nature.
  • We will use the sacred sounds to connect to each of our chakras.
Contact me to book on 07528357956 or email me at
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