Essences Info

What are Flower Essences?

Probably the most known flower essences are those of Dr Edward Bach who was a physician and homeopath. In the 1930’s while walking through the countryside he was drawn to the way the flowers held themselves, their structure and movement. He realised they were individual and he developed a system of capturing their essence in spring water, amplified by the sun.

Bach understood that the key to good health was emotional harmony and he identified 38 flower essences that corresponded to a particular emotion. These were taken internally and could be used on their own or in combination with other essences or therapy. Bach Flower Essences have always been made in the same traditional way using spring water, the flower, sun energy and alcohol to preserve.

My Journey with Flower Essences

I have joyful memories of my childhood exploring the fields and hedgerows of my grandparents' farm,free to roam and connect with nature. One day I recall finding a hole in a neighbouring field and from the depths of the earth crystal clear water flowed cleaning  the small stones and rocks as it splashed over them. I was always fascinated by this and I would reach down into the earth and pull out some of the sparkly stones. They never sparkled in the same way when they were out of the water so I always replaced them. I used to collect bunches of daisies and buttercups and scatter on the water as a thank you. 

Later memories at home where I collected flower heads and placed them in jars of water in the sun collecting the magic essence. All of these memories were my first steps into what I would later realise was flower essence therapy.

Why I make Essence Sprays

During my training I studied and did trials with volunteers on how essences can be used and the different ways of making them. I have explored Crystal Essences, Colour Essences, Essences made at particular times of the year, Essences made in Ceremony and also Moonlight Essences. I have discovered they all have a different energy and use.

I have explored taking essences internally, placing on hands into the chakras, sprays, using in the bath etc etc. From my trials I have found that essences are really quickly taken into the energy field and begin working immediately when they are sprayed, hence my essences are made as sprays. 

Message for details of my handmade essences

From research and customer trials we often have an association with a scent when we spray so on some of my sprays essential oils have been added that correspond with the essence used and to know you have sprayed. 

I can provide essences without essential Oils which would be suitable for young children and pets and essences that can be taken internally if required.

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